I was brought-up in the islands . a couple which form a city in itself or a larger hand-ful to form a nation . and have been returning and seeking ever-since while mostly dwelling along Global metropolis, so my take on several known and unknown islands around the Pacific Rim :
- Hong Kong – an amazing concept in which it truly is a hub between the West and the Orient, quite alike the pearl of the Orient : ShangHai, but the major difference is that the West is more over-whelming in Hong Kong . ofcourse English would go far more than any city in China ;
- Japan – Yes a country formed of islands : four large ones plus Okinawa way~ South-West . the intriguing power of these island is toward the future, built when it was modernizing onto the 21st Century, then the Millennium with their automobiles and electronics . so-much-so that artificial islands are built by every large city for appropriate purpose
– 1853 island fortress-turned-business center early 1990’s then shopping district late 1990’s Odaiba (in Tokyo)
– 1981 Portopia island (South of Sannomiya)
– 1992 Rokko island (between Kobe and Osaka)
– 1994 Kansai Airport (South of Osaka) - Hawaii – nature-conscious wonder-islands where birds walk around you .
- Xiamen – this Hawaii-in-the-Orient would flip your pre-conceptions about mighty China .
I sought, bought and sold property in JejuDo (Jeju is the island, and ‘Do’ for South Korea’s administrative district) just prior to its real-estate BOOM over the Millennium . it is a joyous mix of pleasure and business, as you are driven around parts of the island which you won’t have, if just coming for a vacation . and as the BOOM recently accelerated onto the next gear, as the Chinese snatched-up land and business all over the island : I am about to move-in, at least part-time as new projects dawn .
I wish cell phones a good decade past were crisp enough to record with hand movement stabilization, as there were rare signs of civilization then venturing outside of Jeju or SeoGuiPo, and you were just so glad to meet even a youngling // where-as now cute and unique cafes and pensions dot around the island
– Jeju isle dot com, towards Lunar NEW Years 2016 –