Welcome to the Korean Paradise (actually there is a hotel chain by the name, operating in major tourist areas around the Peninsula). that is, until rising real-estate prices and influx of Chinese residents make this Vancouver in the Orient .
I have other BLogs and WebSites about shopping, living and working around the Pacific Rim – some quite extensive – and No, won’t Link here as searchin’ is half fun on the .Net 😉 am adding this BLog with plans to move partially at last (was considering several years ago, but chose instead Busan or Pusan – with similar beaches but on the more-accessible main-land). all-the-while, I have been visiting around the island previously for Recreation but more recently for investment, so know areas well aside from the more newer eateries and pensions that are popping-up every-where .
This BLog will consist more of informative Pages (on top Menu bar), relaying various aspects of shopping and dwelling around the island – deemed to be true for more than a Year, than daily Posts (at side-column List) on where I visited and what I ate . still I may refrain from listing exact numbers including price, phone and address in respect to privacy and that I still want some unique hide-aways lesser known //
– Beginning from the Year of the Apes, Jeju isle dot com –
Hello this is Jeju isle Pilot trying to be the R-E-A-L 1971 Melody Angel and as I am a believer of stern history even in this age of relentless Chatt : I update more of my previous Pages and Posts than register NEW ones, so keep comin’back if you don’t find what’ya lookin’for, plus I enjoy replying excessively on certain questions on Comments below~